ART037 / ART038 gámaflutningur

Container Tilter can increase productivity and help reduce back injuries associated with reaching and lifting heavy items from containers as its ergonomic design . Tilt angle adjustable from 0-90° and short operator reach allows easy access to containers, totes, and skids. It also makde it suitable for different containers and people of different heights. 6" polyurethane steer wheels with brakes and 3" load wheels allow unit to carry heavy loads easily. It is always used in workshop . This pallet tilter includes 12V battery, 8 amp charger, and remote hand control with 4' coil cord. Powder coat finish, safety battery disconnect  on cylinder prevents collapse in event of hydraulic pressure loss. 3.3" lowered height and 6-1/2" wide forks. 1 Year Limited Warranty.


Types of  container tilter:

As a professional pallet tilter manufacturer for many years, we have developed various kinds of pallet tilters, such as manual pallet tilter, electric pallet tilter, lateral pallet tilter etc…



Technical Parameter of Pallet Tilter:

Stærð kg (lbs)1000(2200)1000(2200)
Lifting Height(Vertical)  mm (inch)285(11.2)285(11.2)
Fork height (min-max) mm (inch)85-800(3.3-31.5)85-800(3.3-31.5)
Fork Overall Width  mm (inch)560(22)560(22)
Handle Height mm (inch)1138(44.8)1138(44.8)
Fork Tip Length from Roller mm (inch)135(5.3)135(5.3)
Power Unit (KW/V)0.8/120.8/12
Nettóþyngd kg (lbs)185(407)178(391.6)

LT10E gámur tilter

The features of Pallet Tilter:

Lift/Lower functions are controlled by a switch on the control lever.

Tilt/return functions are controlled by a remote control, which is fitted with a long wire and can make the operator and the tilter with load keep a certain distance, more safer.

Lift /Lower function and Tilt/Return functions can be operated independently of each other or simultaneously.

0-90° adjustable angle make it suitable for seat and stand work conditions and also for people in different height.

Eftir sölu þjónustu:

Hver búnaður er með sérstakar leiðbeiningar

1 ára takmarkað ábyrgð

We have been in manufacturing pallet tilters for many years. And we have a professional and perfect after-sales service team.

Stacker framleiðandi:

As a professional manufacturer of various types of material handling & lifting products, pallet tilters are our main products. In addition to this, we can also manufacture various kinds of pallet trucks, work positioners, lift tables, forklifts, crane and so on.

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